Research and analysis of Absorbable Internal Fracture Fixation Screws: the market size in 2022 will be USD 854 million

Published Date: Monday,16 Oct,2023


biaoQian Absorbable Internal Fracture Fixation Screws

Overview of Absorbable Internal Fracture Fixation Screws:

Absorbable Internal Fracture Fixation Screws are medical devices used in orthopedic surgery to stabilize fractured bones. These screws are designed to hold fractured bone segments together until they heal and then gradually dissolve over time within the body. The primary advantage of absorbable screws is that they eliminate the need for a second surgical procedure to remove the implants, reducing patient discomfort and complications associated with non-absorbable hardware.

Global Market Analysis:

  1. Market Size and Growth: The global market for Absorbable Internal Fracture Fixation Screws has witnessed substantial growth due to advancements in orthopedic surgery and the increasing adoption of absorbable materials. The market is expected to continue to expand as the technology becomes more widely accepted.

  2. Market Segmentation: The market is segmented into different types of screws designed for various bone fixation applications, such as fracture fixation, ligament repair, and joint reconstruction.

  3. Regional Presence: The market's presence is significant in regions with advanced healthcare systems and a high volume of orthopedic surgeries, including North America, Europe, and parts of Asia.

Industrial Analysis:

  1. Key Players: Leading companies in the orthopedic device industry, such as Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, and Stryker, are key players in this sector. Competition drives innovation in absorbable materials and screw designs.

  2. Regulatory Compliance: Strict regulatory oversight ensures product safety and quality, especially given their application within the human body.

  3. Supply Chain: The supply chain includes manufacturers, distributors, healthcare institutions, and orthopedic surgeons who perform surgeries using these screws.

Technical Analysis:

  1. Materials: The choice of absorbable materials is crucial. Polylactic acid (PLA) and polyglycolic acid (PGA) are common materials used, and they must provide sufficient strength for bone fixation while degrading safely.

  2. Screw Design: Technical innovations may involve the design of screws, including self-drilling and self-tapping features, thread patterns, and head styles to suit different surgical applications.

  3. Biomechanical Testing: Extensive testing is conducted to ensure the biomechanical properties of these screws are appropriate for bone fixation.

Development Status and Trends:

  1. Advanced Materials: Ongoing research focuses on the development of new and improved absorbable materials that are stronger, longer-lasting, and more biocompatible.

  2. 3D Printing: The adoption of 3D printing for manufacturing absorbable screws allows for highly customizable designs and structures.

  3. Smart Implants: The integration of sensors and electronics within absorbable screws is an emerging trend, enabling real-time monitoring of the healing process.

  4. Patient-Specific Solutions: Advancements in imaging technology enable the creation of patient-specific implants for more accurate and personalized treatment.

  5. Biological Coatings: The development of coatings that promote bone growth and tissue integration is essential for improving the performance of these screws.

In conclusion, the global market for Absorbable Internal Fracture Fixation Screws is expanding as surgeons and patients seek alternatives to traditional non-absorbable hardware. Key trends include the development of advanced materials, 3D printing, smart implants, and patient-specific solutions. The future of this market is closely tied to ongoing advancements in materials and design, as well as the successful integration of absorbable technology into orthopedic surgery practices.

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