The global Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment market size is projected to grow from USD 24840 million in 2023 to USD 64019 million by 2029

Published Date: Saturday,11 May,2024


biaoQian Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment

Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment Market Summary

Electric off-highway and industrial equipment refer to vehicles and machinery used in industrial settings, construction, agriculture, and other off-road applications that are powered by electric propulsion systems. These systems replace traditional internal combustion engines with electric motors, contributing to reduced emissions, lower operational costs, and increased efficiency in various industrial operations.

According to the new market research report "Global Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment Market Report 2023-2029", published by GlobalInfoResearch, the global Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment market size is projected to grow from USD 24840 million in 2023 to USD 64019 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 13.9% during the forecast period.

 Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment

  • Global Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment MarketSize(US$ Million), 2018-2029

 Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment Market Size

Source: GlobalInfoResearch, “Global Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030”(published in 2023). If you need the latest data, plaese contact GlobalInfoResearch.

  • Global Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment Top20Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)

 Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment Top 20 Players Ranking and Market Share

Source: GlobalInfoResearch, “Global Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030”(published in 2023). If you need the latest data, plaese contact GlobalInfoResearch.

This report profiles key players of Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment such as Toyota Material Handling, Kion.

In 2022, the global top five Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment players account for 40% of market share in terms of revenue. Above figure shows the key players ranked by revenue in Electric Off-Highway and Industrial Equipment.

Market Drivers:

Environmental Sustainability: Growing concerns about environmental impact and sustainability drive the adoption of electric off-highway and industrial equipment. Electric propulsion systems contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions and help industries meet environmental regulations and goals.

Operational Cost Savings: Electric equipment often provides operational cost savings compared to traditional fuel-powered counterparts. Lower maintenance costs, reduced fuel expenses, and increased energy efficiency contribute to overall cost-effectiveness.

Government Incentives and Regulations: Supportive government incentives, subsidies, and regulations aimed at reducing emissions and promoting sustainable practices encourage industries to invest in electric off-highway and industrial equipment. Compliance with emission standards becomes a driving factor.

Technological Advancements: Ongoing advancements in electric propulsion technology, battery efficiency, and energy storage solutions improve the performance and reliability of electric industrial equipment. This drives increased adoption as the technology becomes more advanced and reliable.

Noise Reduction: Electric equipment tends to operate more quietly than traditional combustion engine counterparts. In environments where noise reduction is crucial, such as urban construction sites, the quieter operation of electric equipment becomes a significant driver.


High Initial Costs: The initial capital investment for electric off-highway and industrial equipment can be higher than that of traditional diesel or gasoline-powered equipment. This upfront cost may act as a restraint for some industries.

Limited Infrastructure: The availability of charging infrastructure for electric industrial equipment may be limited in certain regions, hindering the widespread adoption of electric propulsion systems. Lack of infrastructure could limit the operational flexibility of electric equipment.

Weight and Battery Technology: In certain applications, the weight of batteries required for electric propulsion may pose a challenge. Advances in battery technology, including improvements in energy density and weight, are essential to overcome this limitation.


Research and Development: Investment in research and development to enhance electric propulsion technology, battery capabilities, and energy storage solutions presents a significant opportunity. Breakthroughs in these areas can lead to more efficient and cost-effective electric industrial equipment.

Government Support and Incentives: Continued government support, incentives, and subsidies for the adoption of electric off-highway and industrial equipment create opportunities for industries to make the transition. Government initiatives can further drive market growth.

Expansion of Charging Infrastructure: The expansion of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, including off-highway and industrial equipment, presents a substantial opportunity. Increased accessibility to charging stations enhances the feasibility and attractiveness of electric equipment.

Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaboration between manufacturers, technology companies, and energy providers can lead to innovative solutions and business models. Partnerships can accelerate the development and deployment of electric industrial equipment.

Market Education and Awareness: Educating industries about the benefits of electric off-highway and industrial equipment, including long-term cost savings and environmental advantages, creates opportunities for market expansion. Increased awareness can drive the adoption of electric solutions.

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