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Global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna Supply, Demand and Key Producers, 2024-2030

date 06 Sep 2024

date Internet & Communication

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication.


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Global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna Market 2024 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030

date 06 Sep 2024

date Internet & Communication

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication.


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Global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna Market 2023 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2029

date 18 Mar 2023

date Chemical & Material

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication. A photonics mast is a sensor on a submarine which functions similarly to a periscope without requiring a periscope tube, thus freeing design space during construction and limiting risks of water leakage in the event of damage. A photonics mast replaces the mechanical, line-of-sight viewing system with digital equipment, similar to a digital camera array, and it has fewer locational and dimensional constraints than a traditional periscope. Unlike a periscope, it need not be located directly above its user, and it requires only a small pressure hull penetration for cabling. This allows the photonics mast to fit entirely within the sail of the submarine and means the control room need not be placed directly below the sail. A photonics mast operates by rising above the water similarly to a telescoping car-antenna and provides information through an array of sensors, such as high definition low-light and thermo graphic cameras. Images and information can appear on display panels for analysis. The photonics mast can also support the navigation, electronic warfare, and communications functions of a conventional optical-periscope mast. Submarines require a suite of antennas to provide the necessary communications, navigation, and Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) capabilities. Submarine antennas, as compared to surface ship antennas, are unique in design, shape, materials, and performance due to a submarine’s space and weight limitations, extreme environmental conditions, and stealth considerations.


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Global Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna Market 2023 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2029

date 06 Jan 2023

date Electronics & Semiconductor

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication. A photonics mast is a sensor on a submarine which functions similarly to a periscope without requiring a periscope tube, thus freeing design space during construction and limiting risks of water leakage in the event of damage. A photonics mast replaces the mechanical, line-of-sight viewing system with digital equipment, similar to a digital camera array, and it has fewer locational and dimensional constraints than a traditional periscope. Unlike a periscope, it need not be located directly above its user, and it requires only a small pressure hull penetration for cabling. This allows the photonics mast to fit entirely within the sail of the submarine and means the control room need not be placed directly below the sail. A photonics mast operates by rising above the water similarly to a telescoping car-antenna and provides information through an array of sensors, such as high definition low-light and thermo graphic cameras. Images and information can appear on display panels for analysis. The photonics mast can also support the navigation, electronic warfare, and communications functions of a conventional optical-periscope mast. Submarines require a suite of antennas to provide the necessary communications, navigation, and Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) capabilities. Submarine antennas, as compared to surface ship antennas, are unique in design, shape, materials, and performance due to a submarine’s space and weight limitations, extreme environmental conditions, and stealth considerations.


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industry 06 Sep 2024

industry Internet & Communication

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication.



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industry 06 Sep 2024

industry Internet & Communication

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication.



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industry 18 Mar 2023

industry Chemical & Material

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication. A photonics mast is a sensor on a submarine which functions similarly to a periscope without requiring a periscope tube, thus freeing design space during construction and limiting risks of water leakage in the event of damage. A photonics mast replaces the mechanical, line-of-sight viewing system with digital equipment, similar to a digital camera array, and it has fewer locational and dimensional constraints than a traditional periscope. Unlike a periscope, it need not be located directly above its user, and it requires only a small pressure hull penetration for cabling. This allows the photonics mast to fit entirely within the sail of the submarine and means the control room need not be placed directly below the sail. A photonics mast operates by rising above the water similarly to a telescoping car-antenna and provides information through an array of sensors, such as high definition low-light and thermo graphic cameras. Images and information can appear on display panels for analysis. The photonics mast can also support the navigation, electronic warfare, and communications functions of a conventional optical-periscope mast. Submarines require a suite of antennas to provide the necessary communications, navigation, and Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) capabilities. Submarine antennas, as compared to surface ship antennas, are unique in design, shape, materials, and performance due to a submarine’s space and weight limitations, extreme environmental conditions, and stealth considerations.



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industry 06 Jan 2023

industry Electronics & Semiconductor

new_biaoQian Military Submarine Photonics Mast and Antenna

A submarine is a naval platform that can stay underwater for an extended period to carry out missions, both offensive and defensive. It is a complex platform that includes multiple components. As radio waves cannot propagate in water, communication with submarines is difficult. To overcome this issue, submarines are being installed with antennas that can be raised above the water surface level, and employ ordinary radio transmissions for communication. A photonics mast is a sensor on a submarine which functions similarly to a periscope without requiring a periscope tube, thus freeing design space during construction and limiting risks of water leakage in the event of damage. A photonics mast replaces the mechanical, line-of-sight viewing system with digital equipment, similar to a digital camera array, and it has fewer locational and dimensional constraints than a traditional periscope. Unlike a periscope, it need not be located directly above its user, and it requires only a small pressure hull penetration for cabling. This allows the photonics mast to fit entirely within the sail of the submarine and means the control room need not be placed directly below the sail. A photonics mast operates by rising above the water similarly to a telescoping car-antenna and provides information through an array of sensors, such as high definition low-light and thermo graphic cameras. Images and information can appear on display panels for analysis. The photonics mast can also support the navigation, electronic warfare, and communications functions of a conventional optical-periscope mast. Submarines require a suite of antennas to provide the necessary communications, navigation, and Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) capabilities. Submarine antennas, as compared to surface ship antennas, are unique in design, shape, materials, and performance due to a submarine’s space and weight limitations, extreme environmental conditions, and stealth considerations.



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